Beech Grove Primary School
Spring Term 2025
Head Teacher Message
Welcome back to our new Autumn term. On behalf of the staff we would like to welcome you to a new school year and hope that 2024/2025 is just as brilliant as last year. It was wonderful to see our whole school community trying their very best for our children to try and reach their maximum potential. I am positive this year will be exactly the same.
Once again, I cannot thankyou enough for the tremendous efforts you went to during last year to support your children and the school. We should, as a school community be really proud of the way we continue to stick together and support one another.
I hope that you have all had the chance to relax and recharge your batteries during the summer holidays and are ready once more to attack the new school year with vigour and enthusiasm.
It is so important that our children attend regularly in order to continue to make the brilliant progress that they made last academic year. I’m positive with your continued support, our excellent teaching and well-planned curriculum and interventions, our children will continue to achieve well and try their very best in all lessons.
I continue to be amazed and am so proud of them all and the way they have started back this Autumn term. The children’s continued resilience and adaptability is absolutely outstanding.
As always, our teachers have lots of interesting activities planned for this term and hope that you will enjoy hearing what children have been working on at consultation meetings, and will support them with their homework and reading outside of school. READING is the key to EVERYTHING and unlocking the children’s true potential! Please, please, please x10000000 encourage them as much as you can with their reading at home. It really is greatly appreciated by all staff.
John Dixon
Our work for this term
In the first half term, we will be learning about knights in the 14th century and writing a report about them. Then we will be writing a descriptive narrative based on a short story called Alma. We will also be creating a persuasive letter as a peasant to King Richard II.
After half term, we will be researching and writing a non-chronological report about a mini beast. Next, we will be writing a character description based on James and the Giant Peach.
In Spring 1, we will move back to fractions where we will learn how to multiply fractions by a whole and how to find fractions of an amount. We will then move onto decimals and percentages where our fraction knowledge will continue to be used so we can identify equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.
After half term, Y5 will move onto measurement where they will learn how to find the perimeter and area of shapes including rectilinear shapes. Finally, at the end of Spring 2, Y5 will look at statistics and how to read different types of graphs/tables including line graphs, two-way tables and timetables. Also, we will maintain the skills we have already learnt in Y5 through weekly arithmetic quizzes.
In our first half term we will be learning about ‘Peasants, Princes and Pestilence’ where we will look at key events from 14th century England like the Black Death and the Peasants’ Revolt. In science, we will largely be looking at life cycles, particularly of humans and how we change over time but we will also be investigating bacteria and the conditions it grows quickly in.
Also, we will be completing a DT project in the first half term. We will be designing and making a bird house shelter to be placed in our secret garden.
After half term, our topic is Beast Creator. We will develop the children’s knowledge of living things and their habitats. We will learn about identification keys, food chains and some of the deadliest beasts on the planet. We will also conduct a Science investigation to investigate which habitat woodlice prefer. This half term, we will be completing an art project inspired by Andy Warhol’s ‘Flowers’ using a printing technique.
Keeping Safe and Healthy (This section will tell you what we are teaching children about lifestyle choices)
During the term, we will continue to do Jigsaw as part of our PSHE teaching. In the first half term, we will be looking into dreams and goals for the future and setting high aspirations for ourselves. After half term, we will move onto a ‘Healthy Me’ topic where we will learn how to be healthy physically, emotionally and socially.
Dates for your Diary
Keep your eyes peeled for our Young Readers’ Project events, where the children will be receiving a free book!
Spring Term: Monday 6th January 2025 – Friday 11th April 2025
Half Term: Monday 24th February 2025 – Friday 28th February 2025